The strategy for success in any sport begins with participant fitness, and equestrian sports are no exception. Scope offers a full range of equestrian sport specific workouts, including strength training, HIIT (high intensity interval training) and LIIT (low intensity interval training). Karen's in video modifications make Scope workouts suitable for every athlete, no matter where they are in their fitness journey. 

Riders can use the Scope workout videos as a stand alone fitness strategy, or as a supplement to an existing workout plan. The workouts require minimal space and equipment, so they can be done anywhere; even in the barn. 

Jen's passion for equestrian sports, Karen's passion for athletics and the pair's often hilarious chemistry spill over from The Scope Podcast and into the workouts. 

Head to the Patreon page to try a few free workouts, then subscribe for only $8/month, so you don't miss a single installment.